Prostate Wellness with the Help of the Right Medication for BPH

Prostate Wellness with the Help of the Right Medication for BPH

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Prostate wellness is an essential aspect of a man’s overall health. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland situated just below the bladder. It holds a vital role in a man’s reproductive health. However, enlargement of the prostate may happen as one age, and this condition is called BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

BPH is the most common prostate problem, and fortunately, the condition is not cancerous or life-threatening. However, its symptoms can be bothersome and affect your overall quality of life. Fortunately, this condition can be easily managed with the help of treatment or medication for BPH

Everything You Need to Know about BPH

As previously mentioned, BPH usually occurs when a man gets older. By age 60, at least 50% of men will experience some symptoms of BPH, and by age 85, up to 90% will have the condition. Studies have shown that almost half of the men with BPH will experience symptoms that will need proper treatment.

Here are the symptoms to look out for:

  • Changes in your urine (colour or smell)

  • Difficulty in urination

  • Frequent urination, especially at night

  • Inability to empty the bladder completely

  • Incontinence

  • Pain after urinating or ejaculating

  • The sudden need to urinate

The exact cause of BPH is still unknown, but the following factors may contribute to the risks of the condition:

  • Aging

  • Family History

  • Hormonal Changes

  • Lifestyle Habits

BPH must be treated appropriately since it may lead to more severe complications such as bladder stones, blood in the urine and UTI (urinary tract infection). The condition must be diagnosed accurately since the treatment or medication for BPH will depend on your doctor’s assessment.

During consultation, your doctor will review your medical history and assess the severity of your symptoms. A complete physical checkup will also be done, such as a DRE (digital rectal exam), and additional tests may also be needed, such as blood tests or urinalysis. In some cases, other tests will be required, like a PVR (post-void residual) test to check if the bladder can be completely empty after urination or a urinary flow test to measure the amount and strength of urine flow.

Imaging tests such as cystoscopy or ultrasound may also be conducted so that your doctor can take a better look at your prostate and urinary tract. These assessments or tests are necessary so your doctor can develop a personalized treatment plan based on the severity of your condition, personal preferences and overall health.

After diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe the most appropriate treatment, Which could either be the following:

Active Surveillance or Watchful Waiting

This is highly recommended for patients with mild or tolerable symptoms. Regular monitoring is recommended without taking any medications. If your doctor recommends this strategy, track your symptoms and don’t forget to attend your checkups.

Lifestyle Changes

Changing your lifestyle can make a significant impact not just on your prostate health but also on your overall wellness. Quit smoking, limit your alcohol intake and make sure to eat more fruits and veggies. You must also incorporate regular physical activity like walking or going to the gym. Ask your doctor about pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) designed to improve your bladder control.


  • Alpha-blockers: These pills can help relax the muscles around the bladder, neck, and prostate, which helps reduce BPH symptoms and boost urine flow.

  • PDE-5 Inhibitors: These medications are usually prescribed to patients with ED (erectile dysfunction) but can also help improve urine flow.

  • 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors: These drugs are designed to shrink the prostate, which can help relieve the symptoms.

  • Combination Medication: Sometimes, your doctor will prescribe a combination of alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, which can produce better results.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Apart from taking medication for BPH, your doctor may recommend specific procedures that can improve urinary flow and potentially reduce the size of the prostate. The following guidelines are best for patients who do not respond well to medications:

  • TUMT (Transurethral Microwave Therapy)

  • TUNA (Transurethral Needle Ablation)

  • Rezum or Water Vapor Thermal Therapy


Surgery is often recommended if all other treatment options fail or if you have a severe case of BPH.

  • Laser Surgery

  • Open Prostatectomy

  • TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate)

Can BPH be Reversed?

For many BPH patients, the condition can be cured even with just medications. However, BPH is usually progressive, so early detection and proper treatment are necessary. The condition may not be reversed, but its symptoms can be managed and even improved with the help of treatments and lifestyle changes. Please consult your doctor so they can provide you with a personalized treatment program which will reduce the size of your prostate and alleviate the symptoms of the condition.

Check out these strategies that can potentially reduce the risks of BPH:

Healthy Lifestyle

Keep a balanced diet rich in fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit the intake of processed food or those high in saturated fats. Stay active and aim for at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. It is best to maintain a healthy weight since being overweight can put you at a higher risk of BPH. Quit your bad habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and you can also ask your doctor to recommend supplements that promote good prostate health.

Manage your Stress Levels

Chronic stress can negatively impact your overall health, and it is best to practice stress-reducing strategies that will put you in a good mood. Try deep breathing techniques, meditation, or yoga.

Regular Checkups

Attend regular checkups and routine screenings so your doctor can monitor your prostate and even detect any possible medical conditions early.

Natural Remedies for Managing BPH

Suppose you are looking for an alternative medication for BPH. In that case, you can take natural supplements as a complementary treatment. Here are some of the popular supplements that can be used for BPH treatment:


This herbal medication combines different plant-based oils that can reduce inflammation and improve urinary symptoms. This supplement is generally safe and has no significant side effects.

Pumpkin Seed Extract

This supplement is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation and boost prostate health.

Pygeum Africanum

This supplement is derived from the bark of the African plum tree and has been used to treat urinary symptoms. Studies show that the Pygeum Africanum may have anti-androgenic and anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce the size of the prostate.

Rye Grass Pollen Extract

Pollen extracts from the ryegrass can be used to alleviate urinary symptoms.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is one of the most studied herbal supplements that can help manage BPH. Studies revealed that it can improve urine flow, lessen frequent urination, and deter the production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is a hormone responsible for prostate growth.

In conclusion, BPH cannot be fully reversed. Still, it can be effectively managed with the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. It is best to follow your doctor’s recommendations by taking your medication for BPH religiously and adopting a healthy lifestyle.


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